Episode 17: Nisreen Elsaim talks about the interconnection between Climate Change, Armed Conflict and Migration

In this episode of "Think. Debate. Inspire.", Henry Alt-Haaker speaks with Nisreen Elsaim, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow and Climate and Youth Activists, about the complex interconnection between climate change, armed conflict, and involuntary migration and how better governance, fresh ideas of younger generations, and more global responsibility by wealthier nations can bring hope in an otherwise depressing situation. 

Nisreen Elsaim

Nisreen Elsaim is an environmental and climate activist working on issues related to policy, peace and security, migration, adaptation, and different areas related to climate change. She is a member of numerous advisory groups, having led and mentored a large number of young people in regional and international spaces. Nisreen Elsaim has held several positions within the United Nations system, among others as Liaison Consultant of the UN Youth African Delegate Program as well as Chair of the UN Secretary-General Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change, advising the UN Secretary-General António Guterres on his Climate Change Strategy. She is also an expert in energy and climate policy, with experience as a junior negotiator with the African Group of Negotiators in technology transfer.