Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 06:00 pm
Location: Deutschlandstiftung Integration, Wallstraße 65, 10179 Berlin
Moderated by: Bilal Bağ, Project Manager, Robert Bosch Academy
  • Sanam Naraghi Anderlini, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy


We live in contradictory times. It is an era of extreme identity-based pluralism – from race faith and ethno-nationalism to gender, age and sexuality and so much more, we are each being pulled in different directions to ascribe our identity and groupings. As individuals navigating this barrage of information and propaganda, we find ourselves, at times feeling sliced and diced, silenced and self-censored. This rising polarization is fueling insecurity and anxiety about the future, and the nature, character of our societies and cultures, with much of the fear directed at immigrants.

Amidst the cacophony, the contributions and cultural enrichment that comes with diversity is either lost or taken for granted. Yet if we shift the frame, there is much similarity that exists across cultures, human experiences, hopes and aspirations. The challenge we face is can we reframe and envision a future in which our diversities can reflect our similarities and lead to social cohesion.

Drawing on her own personal life experiences and education and her vocation as peace strategist working globally on rising extremisms, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini spent her brief time in Berlin exploring conceptual and practical approach to reframe our focus to how diversity can reveal similarities in human experience and contributes to pluralistic social cohesion in the German context. 

At this fireside event, she hopes to do justice to all the wisdom shared with her – to reflect back her preliminary thoughts and to offer ideas on what more could be done to imagine and reimagine Germany as a role model for a pluralistic, equitable, peaceful democratic and vibrant society. 

Registration for this event is closed.