Topics: International Relations
Development Policy
Peace and Human Rights
Environment and Climate Change
Social Change
Regional focus: Global
Sub-Saharan Africa
Origin: South Africa
Fellowship: Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow
Fellowship stay: May 2018 – January 2019

Brian Currin is a South African Human Rights lawyer and international mediator. He played a central role in the political transformation process in South Africa during the late 1980s and 1990s. During this time, he worked as National Director of Lawyers for Human Rights, Chairman of the Currin Commission and Counsel for victims at the Truth & Reconciliation Commission. Thereafter, he was substantially involved in the Northern Ireland peace process for 14 years. He was engaged as a mediator between opposing factions and as Chairman of the Sentence Review Commission, a quasi-judicial body that adjudicated upon the early release of politically motivated prisoners.

Brian Currin has also worked as a consultant in post-conflict processes throughout Africa and the Middle East. Moreover, he was involved in the Colombia peace process and in the Spanish/Basque process.

As the Director of the Concentric Alliance, he is currently involved in projects within the mining sector in Southern African countries aiming to build relations between the private sector, the government, and mining communities.

Brian Currin holds a Law degree from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.


Last update: 2018