Topics: Peace and Human Rights
Regional focus: Sub-Saharan Africa
Origin: South Africa
Fellowship: Senior Research Fellow
Fellowship stay: January 2016 – December 2017

Gerhard Kemp is Professor of Law at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He has published widely on South African and regional criminal justice, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and transitional justice. His most recent book publication, the second edition of “Individual Criminal Liability for the International Crime of Aggression”, appeared early in 2016.

He is admitted as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and serves on the board of directors and executive committee of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Cape Town. This institution was established in 2000 as a legacy project of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Kemp furthermore serves on the editorial board of the “Criminal Law Forum” as regional editor and served from 2014-2016 as editor-in-chief of the “African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law”. He also served on various occasions as expert consultant to the Institute for Security Studies on matters relating to anti-corruption initiatives in South Africa and the development of an African regional curriculum for training programs in international criminal justice.

Last update: 2016