Topics: Economy
Regional focus: Europe
Origin: Italy
Fellowship: Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow
Fellowship stay: January 2013 – December 2014

Marco Parlangeli served as Chief Executive Officer of the Fondazione Monte dei Paschi in Siena, Italy, until July 2011, after previous positions within the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank since 1983. From 2010 to 2011 he also served as Chairman of the European Foundation Center (EFC), a network gathering directly and indirectly more than 5.000 foundations carrying out programs in Europe, after having been the EFC’s treasurer for more than 5 years until 2010.

Marco Parlangeli has been a board member of various institutions including Mediobanca, IDEA – Fund of Funds Investment Committee, F2i (the biggest Italian Fund for infrastructures), and Clessidra SGR (the biggest Italian private equite fund). He also served as President of Sienabiotech SPA as well as board member of various foundations including the Fondazione Accademia Chigiana’ board of directors as well as the Fondazione Ravello’s policy board.

Marco Parlangeli holds a degree in Economics and Bank Administration Sciences of the University of Siena and cooperates with Universities in Italy and abroad, as well as Luiss in Rome and Hertie School of Management in Berlin.

Last updated: 2015