Topics: International Relations
Regional focus: Russia and Eurasia
Origin: Russian Federation
Fellowship: Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow

Maxim Trudolyubov serves as Editor-at-Large of Vedomosti, an independent Russian daily, and writes “The Russia File” blog for the Kennan Institute. He was editorial page editor of Vedomosti from 2003 to 2015 and has been a contributing opinion writer for The International New York Times since the fall of 2013. Previously, Mr. Trudolyubov was foreign editor for Vedomosti, editor and correspondent for the newspaper Kapital, and translator at The Moscow News, an English-language online newspaper.

He has anchored a talk show on the radio station Echo of Moscow, and is regularly invited to submit commentaries for various news outlets in Russia and in other countries. Mr. Trudolyubov has also worked as a librarian at the Synod Library of the Russian Orthodox Church and translated books on art and culture.

His book publications include "People Behind the Fence: Private Space, Power and Property in Russia" (in Russian), “Me and My Country: A Common Cause” and “Roots of Russia’s War in Ukraine”, which will be published by Columbia University Press at the end of 2015.

In his various editorial roles, Mr. Trudolyubov has strived over the past 17 years to foster an open and informed political debate in Russia. Already in 2007, he won the Paul Klebnikov Fund’s prize for courageous Russian journalism, was a Yale World Fellow in 2009 and a Nieman fellow at Harvard in 2010-11.


Last updated: 2016