Topics: Peace and Human Rights
Regional focus: Europe
Origin: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fellowship: Senior Research Fellow
Fellowship stay: January 2016 – December 2016

Mirsad Tokača is one of the main initiators of regional cooperation in documenting war crimes and genocide as well as dealing with the past and transitional justice in the Balkan region. In 2004 he founded the Research and Documentation Center in Sarajevo, which he also heads as President until now.

He served as General Secretary of the State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes. From 1980 to 1990 he worked as Chief of the Analytical Group at The Trade Union Sarajevo and later on as Director of The Union Company. He started his career as a journalist at Radio and Television of Bosnia and Herzegovina and as Chief of the President’s Cabinet in the Municipality Center Sarajevo.

Mirsad Tokača completed his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University Sarajevo. He holds a Bachelor in Journalism from the same Faculty. Since 2005 he is a member of the Scholars Initiative at Purdue University (USA) that deals with the problem of dissolution of ex-Yugoslavia, and since 2009 he is Senior Fellow at the department for post-war reconstruction and development of York University (UK).

Mirsad Tokača is author and editor of several books. His publications include "The Bosnian Book of the Dead: Human Losses in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1991-1995" (2012) and "Sin of Silence - Risk of Speech" (1999). Furthermore, he contributed to a number of case studies for the United Nations on missing persons and violation of International Humanitarian Law.

Last updated: 2016