Topics: Health
Environment and Climate Change
Science and Technology
Regional focus: Europe
Middle East and North Africa
Origin: Italy
Fellowship: Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow
Fellowship stay: September 2016 – December 2016

Dr. Roberto Bertollini worked as WHO Representative to the EU in Brussels and Chief Scientist of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. He joined the organization in 1991 and occupied senior management positions in WHO both at the Headquarters in Geneva and the Regional Office for Europe. Earlier in his career he worked at the Epidemiology Unit of the Lazio Region of Italy. During his professional experience he has carried out missions in several European and African countries, supporting the implementation of health cooperation projects.

His main professional interests cover the environmental influences on health, with special reference to the effects of emerging threats such as climate change, lifestyle choices including tobacco, alcohol and nutrition, socioeconomic determinants as well as the use of epidemiology for public health policy development and evaluation of public health programs and practices.

Bertollini is author and co-author of many scientific journal articles and book chapters. His most recent publications include "Tobacco control in Europe. A policy Review" (2016), "National health research systems mapping in the WHO European Region - a study of 17 countries" (2014), which he co-authored, and "Global Health in the 21st century" (2013).

He holds a degree in medicine and a postgraduate degree in pediatrics, as well as a Master in Public Health which he obtained from the Johns Hopkins University.


Last updated: 2016.