- Maxim Trudolyubov, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy, and Editor-at-Large, Vedomosti (Moscow)
- moderated by: Sylke Tempel, Editor-in-Chief, INTERNATIONALE POLITIK and IP JOURNAL
"The annexation of Crimea, the war with Ukraine, the media offensive against the West and the military operation in Syria are extensions of the Kremlin’s domestic agenda - external solutions to internal problems. Russia's belligerence is working well for the Kremlin domestically but it has placed the country on the kind of ground no one else wants to stand. Common language with former Soviet states and other international partners is hard to regain even on a non-governmental level. But it does not mean we should not give it a try."
Together with Maxim Trudolyubov we would like to spend an interactive Lunch Talk discussing Russia's position in the international context and possible ways of finding common ground with Russia at least at a civil society level.
Please note that the event will be held in English
Please register at registration@robertboschacademy.de
By invitation only.
Registration for this event is closed.