Topics: Peace and Human Rights
Regional focus: Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa
Origin: Germany
Fellowship: Senior Research Fellow
Fellowship stay: January 2017 – December 2017

Klaus Bachmann is Professor of Social Sciences at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland. Before, he served as Chair Holder of the Centerfor German and European Studies and Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences both at the University of Wrocław, Poland. His research interest focusses on Transitional Justice, International Criminal Law, and Modern European History, including colonialism in Africa. He co-authored the first complete analysis of the functioning of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

His current research project focuses on the way the so called Hostage Dilemma (a classic example of Game Theory) is solved in political transitions and how this affects regime stability, democratization and shapes the post-transitional party system.
Before his academic career, Bachmann worked for various media outlets as a foreign correspondent in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Benelux countries.

In 2000, he submitted his doctoral thesis at the University of Warsaw on the Ukrainian National Movement in Galicia before World War I. Four years later, he published his habilitationon the Convention on the Future of Europe and deliberative democracy. Among his most recent publications are “When Justice Meets Politics. Independence and Autonomy of ad hoc international criminal tribunals” (2014), which he co-authored with P. Lambertz and T. Sparrow-Botero, “The UN International Criminal Tribunals. Transition without Justice?” (2015), which he wrote with A. Fatić and “The Puzzle of Transitional Justice in Ukraine” (2017), which he co-authored with I. Lyubashenko.


Last update: 2017